Browse some of the popular makes and models of pavement scooter we stock here at Your Mobility
What you need to know about pavement scooters
What better mobility scooter could there be than the pavement scooter, when it comes to getting out and about with ease? Whether you’re visiting friends, doing your weekly shop or running an errand or two, our pavement scooters will ensure you can do so comfortably, conveniently and safely.
With compact, narrow designs and maximum speeds of 4mph, pavement scooters are ideal for busy areas such as high streets or supermarkets, where you may need to navigate tight spaces.
A good-sized battery means your pavement scooter is ideal for longer trips, with some models being able to transport you up to 20 miles. They are also extremely comfortable! The padded captain’s seat and effective suspension will keep you protected from those bumpy and uneven surfaces, whilst flip-up arm rests provided additional comfort.
Considered upgrading to a cabin car scooter?
Comfortable and easy to handle
Max. speeds of 4mph
Can be driven on footpaths and pavements